Here we are, 2020 has arrived! There is excitement and motivation to take on new challenges.
Here are Playtri Coach Am's tips to help you tackle 2020:
1. Define & Establish
Your goals should be clearly defined. We encourage athletes to list no more than 3 races and or goals/ year. BUT we also want clients to list 2-3 long term goals that have an endless timeline. In the end, there are no limits. Knowing where you want to go and understanding why you want to achieve the goal(s) are crucial for consistent motivation and perspective throughout the year.
2. Educate Yourself
“You have never accomplished the goal you have set, that is why it is called a GOAL.” I remind this to athletes all the time. Do some homework. Whether it be time, money, or other resources, it is of huge benefit to speak with coaches and/or fellow seasoned athletes who have repeatably walked the road to where you want to go. But understand, just because a coach has coached others through the process, or another athlete has conquered your goal for themselves once or twice, this does not always mean this your best reference. So speak, read, learn from sources around you. BUT keep things into perspective and in balance with all aspects of your athletic experience and knowledge. No two approaches are the same.
3. Create Detailed Benchmarks
Whether it be weekly, monthly, quarterly, your goals should include benchmarks and or testing to ensure a progression and gains. Depending on the goal, “benchmarks” may include VO2 testing, heart rate testing, camps, races…. Design your year to include precise targets.
4. Learn to Adjust
What if your life has stepped in and disrupted the flow of your training? What if your benchmarks fall short of “the plan”? Hey guess what, at some point, this is going to happen. The more experienced the athlete, the quicker the adjustments are made. This truly sets good athletes apart from the great; greats don’t continue to repeat what has not worked only to falsely convince themselves that magically it will be different next month. Plan for modifications throughout the year and determine potential shifts. The more prepared you are: the less likely you will waste time, energy, and more likely you will stay committed to the goal.
5. Expectation & Patience Go Hand-In-Hand
One of the biggest mistakes new and seasoned athletes make is impatience. The commitment to the goal, personal growth, and development cannot be bought. I like to emphasize to my clients, “the goals will never be sacrificed, BUT the steps required and the timeline to accomplish the goal most likely will change.” Again, the journey cannot be purchased through anything other than your daily commitment and consistency. Enjoy the ride.
Here’s to your fantastic season, 2020 is your year to improve and achieve your next level!